Private Omni-Channel Conversational AI Platform for Business

Transforming Conversations Into

Connections Solutions Growth Insights Revenue

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Use Cases

Empower Your Data

Instant collection and personalization for every interaction.

Fastest Customer Feedback Loop

Make Real-time connections with zero-party insights in 30 seconds.

KBot Lightning

Design journeys, connect 1-1 at scale, measure outcomes

Empower Your Data

Instant collection and personalization for every interaction.

Fastest Customer Feedback Loop

Make Real-time connections with zero-party insights in 30 seconds.

KBot Lightning

Design journeys, connect 1-1 at scale, measure outcomes

Use Cases

Chosen by
Industry Leaders

KBot Lightning +HumanX

Designed to drive both human and
autonomous conversations between
businesses, customers and employees.

Powerful Conversational AI Platform:

Empowering Conversations, Data Driven Precision & Quantifiable Outcomes

We blend various communication channels, tools, methods, and proprietary AI technologies proven to advance every conversation and ensure consistent, secure, and data driven intelligent interactions across all touchpoints.

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KBot Lightning Blends

Ready for Results?

Combine natural language processing and machine learning to connect people, processes, software, and systems. Streamline customer service and complex processes.

Flexible software platform that delivers seamless, trusted, and engaging customer experiences at scale across multiple communication streams and multiple Gartner Quadrants - Enterprise Conversational AI, Customer Experience Platform (CEP), and Customer Data Platform (CDP).


Creative and Technology Partner for Growing Brands

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book


Creative and Technology Partner for Growing Brands

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s

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Powering Conversations Everywhere



Conversational AI Platform Powering:

Omni-Channel Conversations Across Diverse Applications
Engage your audience where they are. Whether it's mobile, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, in-app experiences, or custom web bots, our adaptive Conversational AI ensures immediate, tailored interactions.


What's App


Web Chatbots



In-App Experiences


Conversational AI Platform Powering:

Omni-Channel Conversations
Across Diverse Applications
Engage your audience where they are. Whether it's mobile, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, in-app experiences, or custom web bots, our adaptive Conversational AI ensures immediate, tailored interactions.

Fueling your business ecosystem with seamless communications:

Fueling Your Business Ecosystem with Seamless Communications:

Every Department. Every Conversations. Spanning your business ecosystem.

Fueling Your Business Ecosystem with Seamless Communications:

A Conversational AI Platform for every department, every conversation, spanning your business eco-system.

Quantifiable Advertising
Sales and Enablement

Targeted strategies that produce measurable and impactful results.

Dollar coins
Sales & Marketing Enablement
Quantifiable Advertising

Engaging strategies to boost sales and foster long-term growth.

Check List
Customer & Employee Lifecycle Nurturing
Customer & Employee Lifecycle Nurturing

Cultivate lasting client relationships and retain your team with personalized experiences and effective tools.

Polling, Data Collection, and Analytics
Polling, Data Collection, and Analytics

Real-time insights to inform strategic decisions and enhance efficiency.

Design & Dev
Operational Efficiency
Operational Efficiency

Streamlined processes that save time, resources, and maximize productivity.

Use Cases

Empower Your Data

Instant collection and personalization for every interaction.

Fastest Customer Feedback Loop

Make Real-time connections with zero-party insights in 30 seconds.

KBot Lightning

Design journeys, connect 1-1 at scale, measure outcomes

Empower Your Data

Instant collection and personalization for every interaction.

Fastest Customer Feedback Loop

Make Real-time connections with zero-party insights in 30 seconds.

KBot Lightning

Design journeys, connect 1-1 at scale, measure outcomes

Use Cases

Our Products

Software Solutions for Your  Unique Challenges

Design journeys, Connect 1-1 at scale, Measure outcomes

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Go paperless, reduce costs, and dive deep into the value of audience engagement

Design journeys, Connect 1-1 at scale, Measure outcomes

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Bridge the Gap Between Insightful Advertising & Actionable Data.

Design journeys, Connect 1-1 at scale, Measure outcomes

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Create two-way conversational experiences and Instant Data Collection that brings your events to life

Design journeys, Connect 1-1 at scale, Measure outcomes

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Connecting with Entry-Level Messaging: IGNITE's basic solution that's budget-friendly and surpasses email.

Amplify your outreach, Personalize your impact, and Nurture every relationship with precision.

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Multilingual Support

Speak your customer's language, literally. Break down language barriers and make every message hit home.

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Social media icons displaying likes, hearts, and comments, indicating feedback mechanisms.

Instant Feedback

Fastest Customer Feedback Loop in 30 Seconds. Stay ahead of the curve and make data-driven decisions instantly.

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Cube icon representing a network of diverse integrations

130+ Integrations

Fastest Customer Feedback Loop in 30 Seconds. Stay ahead of the curve and make data-driven decisions instantly.

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Security badge icon with a lock at its center, emphasizing protection and trustworthiness.

Encrypted Services

Your data is our fortress. Benefit from our full-suite encryption, safeguarding your information at every step.

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Central circle connected to several outer circles, illustrating interconnectedness or networking.

Omni-Channel Reach

Specialized mobile messaging and versatile communication options. Reach your audience your way, without limitations.

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Desktop computer icon showcasing data visualizations and graphs on its screen.

Reverse Append Data

Know your customer inside-out. We offer 26 data points for hyper-personalized interactions that hit the market.

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Documents paired with a certification checkmark, denoting compliance and validation.


Trust built on standards. We adhere to HIPAA, SOC 2®, PCI, and CALEA protocols, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to operational excellence.

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Cube with arrows pointing outward in various directions, representing expansion or growth."


Built to grow with you. Our architecture adapts effortlessly as you scale, making your vision a reality.

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"Icon depicting a connected global network, symbolizing worldwide reach and connectivity.

Carrier Agnostic

Reach out, without hiccups. We connect you across all major networks, making sure every message lands.

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Trusted by These Industries


Empowering seamless communication between agencies and constituents with KLaunch's advanced KBot Lightning software. Learn how we revolutionize citizen engagement, streamline program registration, and gather real-time data to drive success in the government sector.

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Empowering donor relations and operational efficiency with KLaunch’s cutting-edge conversational AI. Learn how we amplify donations, activate sponsorships, and automate staff functions to drive success in the nonprofit sector.

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Empowering patient engagement and care management with KLaunch's automated solutions. Learn how we simplify pre-visit planning, integrate diagnostics, and provide 24/7 follow-up support to drive success in the healthcare industry.

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Empowering fan experience and audience engagement with KLaunch's personalized messaging solutions. Learn how we deliver real-time updates, foster two-way communications, and offer data-backed insights to drive success in your industry.

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Empowering property management through efficient digital interactions and enhanced resident engagement with KLaunch's KBot and RealPage solutions. Learn how we deliver instant actionable insights and create unparalleled resident experiences.

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The Outcomes

real impact
real results

Call Volume Reduction
Positive User Feedback
Accurate AI Responses


22.4 MM

Dollars Made

$26 MM

Dollars Saved

$12.8 MM


152 MM

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Unlock Real Connections with KLaunch

Empower your communication, get started today.

Text "KLaunch" to 317-483-8002